
Jewish students, professors slam Cornell University president

Jewish students, parents and professors from Ithaca, New York-based Cornell University voiced their disgust after President Martha E. Pollack shared her "gratitude" for anti-Israel agitators, thanking them for "remaining peaceful and nonviolent."The students, parents and professors' outrage came

Jewish students, professors slam Cornell University president2024-05-16T03:11:23-05:00

Brave Jewish U of M Student Stands Up To Pro-Palestine/Hamas Protester—“You’re supporting terrorists overseas—You’re supporting raping women—You’re supporting killing babies and putting them in ovens, like Hitler!” [VIDEO] | The Gateway Pundit

On Saturday, Jewish students and their families sat in the U of M football stadium nervously waiting for the graduation ceremony to begin. Would the same pro-Palestine/Hamas supporters who’ve been camped out in the Diag, a vast open

Brave Jewish U of M Student Stands Up To Pro-Palestine/Hamas Protester—“You’re supporting terrorists overseas—You’re supporting raping women—You’re supporting killing babies and putting them in ovens, like Hitler!” [VIDEO] | The Gateway Pundit2024-05-06T17:51:21-05:00

WAYNE ROOT: I’m a Jewish Columbia University Alumni. What if the Victims of This Hate Were Blacks, Instead of Jews? How Would the Nation Respond? | The Gateway Pundit

Wayne Allyn Root speaks on Real America’s Voice. (Real America’s Voice / Rumble screen shot) By Wayne Allyn Root Well Biden, Obama the radical Democrats got their way, didn’t they? They wanted America radicalized and weaponized. They wanted

WAYNE ROOT: I’m a Jewish Columbia University Alumni. What if the Victims of This Hate Were Blacks, Instead of Jews? How Would the Nation Respond? | The Gateway Pundit2024-04-22T14:07:15-05:00

Jewish students at Rutgers speak out in wake of latest anti-Israel incident on campus

A group of "out of control" pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted a town hall at Rutgers University on Thursday, shouting anti-Israel slogans like "one solution, intifada revolution" and forcing officials to end the meeting early as they and Jewish students

Jewish students at Rutgers speak out in wake of latest anti-Israel incident on campus2024-04-06T20:01:27-05:00
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