
In Case You Missed It: Anti-Trump Agitators at Libertarian Convention Harass MAGA DC Young Republicans, Call Security to Remove Them (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Trump roasted the dissenting members of the Libertarian Party during their convention after they booed him. The anti-Trumpers and RFK supporters at the Libertarian National Convention who booed President Trump and later nominated a far-left authoritarian were caught

In Case You Missed It: Anti-Trump Agitators at Libertarian Convention Harass MAGA DC Young Republicans, Call Security to Remove Them (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit2024-05-28T15:48:28-05:00

Village Council in Illinois Votes to Remove Only Republican Library Board Member Because “His Ideas are Unsafe” | The Gateway Pundit

Bill Nienburg, former Downers Grove Library Board member/Image: Linkedin On Tuesday night in Downers Grove, a quaint Chicago suburb, the Village Council 4-3 voted to remove the only Republican, logistics executive Bill Nienburg, from its six-member, appointed village

Village Council in Illinois Votes to Remove Only Republican Library Board Member Because “His Ideas are Unsafe” | The Gateway Pundit2024-04-17T16:22:38-05:00
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