
Deranged Drag Queen Speaks at Texas Democratic Convention, Pushes Trans Youth Propaganda (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

A deranged drag queen named ‘Brigitte Bandit’ promoted trans propaganda at the Texas Democrat Convention this weekend. Part of Brigitte’s agenda was promoting drag queen story hour for children. And she’s proud of it. “I’m a product of

Deranged Drag Queen Speaks at Texas Democratic Convention, Pushes Trans Youth Propaganda (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit2024-06-08T20:08:40-05:00

AI may be the biggest propaganda weapon the world has ever seen and globalists are already lying about how it will be used | The Gateway Pundit

Guest post by Leo Hohmann on Substack – republished with permission Sam Altman, the CEO of Open AI, says his AI product — called ChatGPT — is super intelligent yet neutral in its political persuasion. Patrick Wood, editor

AI may be the biggest propaganda weapon the world has ever seen and globalists are already lying about how it will be used | The Gateway Pundit2024-05-10T09:49:12-05:00
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