Creationism News

Texas Education Board divided on how to address climate change in science textbooks

Texas Education Board divided on how to address climate change in science textbooks

The Texas State Board of Education is voting on the approval of science textbooks with a focus on how they ...
Are We Ready? More Than a Hundred Challenges Christians Have Never Faced Before

Are We Ready? More Than a Hundred Challenges Christians Have Never Faced Before

Background article, to accompany “Pastors, Elders, Teachers, Leaders: Are You Bold Enough to Take a Good, Hard Look at the ...
Breaking News: Evolutionary Story Gets Rewritten . . . Again

Breaking News: Evolutionary Story Gets Rewritten . . . Again

Less than a month ago, I wrote a blog titled, “One of Evolution’s Most Famous Stories Gets a Rewrite.” That ...


 Separation Of Church and State

Why Christians Should Be Involved In Politics