German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced the end of the pro-Biden Berlin government Wednesday


The German Green-Left coalition government under Chancellor Olaf Scholz was infamous as a mere puppet of the Biden Regime. Now Scholz has fired his free-market Finance Minister, leading to the fall of the government in Berlin.

“I have just asked the German President to release Finance Minister Christian Lindner,” Scholz said Wednesday evening in Berlin. “We need a functioning government, which is able to make the necessary policy decisions for our country.”

What he means is that his dysfunctional government has ceased working.

Scholz is widely seen as a toadie of the failed Biden-Harris Regime, ever since he stood silently by as Joe Biden threatened to “bring an end” to the NordStream pipeline before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on Feb. 7 2022 in the White House.

Even after veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed in great detail the Joe Biden-Jake Sullivan plot to blow up the world’s biggest gas pipleline and cripple the German economy, Scholz said nothing, instead flying to Washington in March 2023 to concoct a ridiculous cover story involving Ukrainians on a sail boat, which was then peddled by the New York Times, Washington Post and German media like Bill Gates-financed Der Spiegel.

Now, the game is up.

The coalition of Scholz’s Social Democrats, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s Greens and Christian Lindner’s Free Democrat is imploding.

The German Free Democrats are a tiny centrist free market party, which served as the junior partner in the three-party coalition of Scholz’s Social Democrats and the radical environmentalist Greens.

In 2017, Free Democrat leader Christian Lindner declined to join a similar left-Green government, saying “It’s better not to govern that to govern badly.”

After the end of the Merkel government 2021, Lindner changed his mind and led his pro-business party into the disastrous left-green coalition government, causing the Free Democrats to collapse in the polls. If national elections were currently held, they would probably not make it into the Bundestag anymore.

As Germany spirals into recession over the radical anti-business and anti-industrial Green New Deal policies enacted by Scholz’s government, the only answer the rabid leftists could come up with is to throw more money at the problem.

Finance Minister Christian Lindner vowed not to circumvent the spending cap enshrined in the German constitution, which is the only thing preserving Europe from Biden-style inflation and deficits.

The tax-and-spend German government raised a whopping €964 billion in taxes this year, but it still wasn’t enough.

As the ruling coalition threatened to break apart this fall, Lindner presented a radical MAGA-style platform last week, including an end to anti-business policies, Green New Madness and limits on mass migration.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz refused to even consider the proposition, however, leading to the fall of the Berlin government.

All Free Democrat Ministers except one faithless minister have resigned, and the German parties are currently bickering over the best way forward.

Scholz proposed kicking the can down the road until January 15 and then dissolving parliament through a vote of no confidence against himself, leading to national elections in March. German elections were originally scheduled for September 2025.

The opposition RINO-style Christian Democrats and the patriotic AfD party both demanded immediate snap elections.

Trump is back, baby.


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