
‘Cafeteria Catholic’ Biden Reacts to Pope Francis’ New Declaration ‘Dignitas Infinita’ – Stands With Trans Indoctrination Over the Church’s Dogma and Doctrine | The Gateway Pundit

Pope Francis did something not very usual, and issued a declaration yesterday (7), called ‘Dignitas Infinita’, in which he strongly defended the Catholic Church’s dogma and doctrine without trying to ‘improve’ or ‘modernize’ it. Christians around the world

‘Cafeteria Catholic’ Biden Reacts to Pope Francis’ New Declaration ‘Dignitas Infinita’ – Stands With Trans Indoctrination Over the Church’s Dogma and Doctrine | The Gateway Pundit2024-04-08T20:45:33-05:00

The Sullivan Doctrine | The Gateway Pundit

Mostafameraji, Wikimedia Commons This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire By Carlo J.V. CaroReal Clear Wire By prioritizing crisis management in response to escalating tensions, President Biden and his national security team risk inadvertently paving the

The Sullivan Doctrine | The Gateway Pundit2024-04-08T19:48:21-05:00
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