The LGBT movement does many terrible things to make children comfortable with homosexuality and its related behaviors. Recently, parents have battled LGBT library books, drag queen events, “gender” ideology, and “gay” sex ed.
But the most alarming are the “safe space” gatherings for “youth” sponsored by local LGBT groups. Young teenagers are invited to off-site events with older homosexual teenagers and “LGBT” adults in their early and mid-twenties. Often the events promise pizza or other “fun” enticements (away from parents). They are sold to the public as “supportive” and “affirming” events for kids.
In fact, these are toxic opportunities for sexual grooming – and worse. Over the past two decades, we have had more tearful reports from parents about these kinds of events than anything else. They have described how their children were sexually molested and groomed into homosexuality and lesbianism. (And now transgenderism is included.)
For years, MassResistance warned about these LGBT community groups and events (including “youth pride”) that mingled adults with underage children. In one case we investigated in 2007, a young “gay” adult even admitted that he engaged in homosexual sex with 14-year-olds, and that drugs were used. Of all the things the LGBT movement does with children, these “safe and supportive” events are by far the most alarming.
Public Library Flyer Targets Vulnerable Teens
On November 14, a MassResistance activist in Nampa, Idaho was in the local library when he noticed a disturbing flyer targeting teenagers on the “events” billboard. It was for a weekly “youth” event put on by a shadowy local LGBT group (“Clutch”) and held at a leftist church downtown.
It was the classic LGBT “youth safe space” scheme for “teens” between the ages of 14 and 20. It advertised: “No pressure, no judgment, just you,” a free meal and activity, and declared it was “creating an affirming space” for “LGBTQ+ youth” where they will “feel loved.”
It’s every parent’s nightmare. Should the public library be advertising this?
Outrage Goes Viral
MassResistance got the word out, and the outrage quickly spread. Within hours, many local citizens began calling and emailing the library. But that was just the beginning. The public library’s promotion of this event got a lot of attention statewide.
A library trustee in neighboring Eagle, Idaho shared our X post on it. The Idaho Freedom Foundation and the Idaho Freedom Caucus helped spread the word on their social media accounts and were strong in their condemnation of it.
The state senator from that district, Brian Lenney (R-Nampa), was very upset by this and began spreading the word. He posted copies of the flyer and contacted the library director to demand an explanation.
The manager of a prominent bar and restaurant near Nampa created his own video about the library’s promotion of the “youth safe space” that mixed teenagers and adults, and he also phoned the library himself.
Library Director Dodges Blame
The flyer was quickly taken down. But that wasn’t quite the end of it.
On November 18 – four days after the flyer was discovered – the library director sent out a public response, attempting to duck responsibility:
Hello All,
The communication you have identified is not a library program and not affiliated with the library in any way. We have two Community Events boards on our 2nd and 3rd floors. Someone, not a library employee, posted the sign(s) in an appropriate area on the Community Events boards that is governed by our Library Board approved Community Events Posting Policy (attached). The poster meets the conditions in our policy. Please notice that the policy states: “In providing public bulletin boards, the Library does not imply endorsement of the events or information posted.”
It is unfortunate that this inaccurate information was shared, hopefully this clears things up. I would welcome a discussion at any time.
Please Take Care,
Claire Connley
Director, Nampa Public Library
But the points she made in her response are dishonest and misleading:
No one was suggesting that the event was affiliated with the library. The problem was the library was recognizing it as a legitimate event (reflecting community standards), and thereby promoting it.
She says that “someone” posted it, not a library employee. But the library is responsible for what is on its Community Events board.
The library’s Events board policy actually appears to side with the parents. The policy bans: “Offensive materials (as defined in Idaho State Code 18-4105 or 18-1514), materials promoting illegal activities, or inappropriate materials.” Those statutes describe material that is “harmful to minors,” which includes “normal or perverted” sexual situations “applying contemporary community standards.” People in the community certainly regarded the event in the flyer as being covered by that language. (Also, the fact that LGBTQ identities need a “support” center confirms they are not recognized as “normal” in this community.) Moreover, a fringe sexual-radical group that promotes underage teens mingling with adults does not qualify as an “event of cultural and general interest to the local community.”
Saying “the Library does not imply endorsement of the events or information posted” is beside the point. By allowing an event so controversial (and likely against its own policy) to be promoted on its bulletin board, whether the library officially endorses it or not, doesn’t matter.
“Conservative” City Council Member Backs Groomers
A constant problem parents have is that even “good” local elected officials will defend bad ideas and actions by city employees.
One of Nampa’s RINO city council members, Natalie Jagula, defended the library and the flyer and had a heated email exchange with Lenney about it. She said he has no proof that this particular event is inappropriate because the organizers don’t say it includes anything sexual. Lenney strongly disagreed that the library should have anything to do with promoting such events, which are obviously sexual. Jagula later told the press that Lenney’s position on protecting children is “dangerous, irresponsible and un-American.”
Media Pillory Pro-Family Senator
The Idaho “mainstream” media went right into attack mode. This victory by MassResistance and regular citizens seemed to push them over the edge.
The newspapers mostly attacked Lenney, who refused to back down on this issue, referring to him as “far-right.” They praised Jagula for bashing him. Being lazy, the press basically reprinted two “news” stories, which were also picked up by a newspaper in Spokane, Washington and Yahoo News.
Idaho Statesman: LGBTQ youth group’s Nampa library flyer irks far-right legislator, who helps stir up issue
Spokesman-Review – Spokane, WA: LGBTQ youth group’s Nampa library poster irks far-right legislator, who meets resistance
Yahoo News: LGBTQ youth group’s Nampa library flyer irks far-right legislator, who helps stir up issue
Idaho Press: Nampa library, youth group rebuke senator’s claims of perpetuating grooming, pedophilia
Rexburg Standard Journal: Nampa library, youth group rebuke senator’s claims of perpetuating grooming, pedophilia
Library Director Slams Parents
One newspaper got a library director in a neighboring town to write a vitriolic “commentary” on pro-family parents who want to protect children from sexual materials in the library. If nothing else, it reveals the truly depraved, irrational, and angry mindset that we’re up against.
Idaho Capital Sun: Disinformation campaign against Nampa library is another example of toxic harassment staff face
On November 20, a reporter from the local NBC-TV affiliate in Nampa called MassResistance National Field Director Arthur Schaper to interview him about the incident.
Schaper was precise and unwavering about why the event was harmful and should not be promoted in a public library.
In the 10-minute phone conversation, he also grilled the reporter about the story’s direction. The reporter basically admitted that it would be about MassResistance creating a “false controversy” about the effort to help “LGBTQ kids” feel comfortable. Furthermore, the group claimed there would be no discussion of sex or sexually explicit themes at the meeting. The reporter proceeded to lecture Schaper that kids “are born gay” and need help affirming their identities.
Later that day, the TV report aired. It was a heavy pro-LGBT propaganda piece – unprofessional even by mainstream media standards. The seven-minute report was nearly all a friendly interview with the LGBT group’s director and a pro-LGBT tirade by the reporter. It included about 20 seconds from the phone call with Schaper, which the reporter dismissed as being an extremist rant.
KTVB-TV – Nampa: Controversy erupts over LGBTQ youth group flyers at the Nampa Public Library
Final Thoughts
This kind of principled pushback needs to happen nationwide. As we’ve said many times, the leftist agenda and the media’s attacks are a house of cards. It can all be taken down with strength and perseverance.
The momentum is turning in our favor. But really stopping the destructive movements targeting vulnerable children requires regular people to get involved.
Copyright 2024 MassResistance. Republished with permission.
The post MassResistance Stops Groomers from Targeting Kids at Idaho Public Library appeared first on The Stream.
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