Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer did not get the welcome she expected while introducing the NFL draft in Detroit.

Footage circulating across social media shows the leftist Democrat enthusiastically taking the stage while being audibly booed by the audience.

Whitmer was chosen to announce the Detroit Lions fourth-round pick, confirming that the event had set an all-time attendance record.

“It has been a historic week in the great city of Detroit,” Whitmer said. “We have shown the world what the Motor City is all about. It is my honor to announce that the 2024 NFL Draft has now broken the all-time record. 700,000 and counting. So, thank you NFL fans and thank you Detroit.”

Such a reception does not bode particularly well for Whitmer’s future political ambitions, with many liberal commentators touting her as a future presidential candidate.

Despite positioning herself as a supposed centrist, Whitmer was notorious for her fascistic approach to COVID pandemics and has actively pushed far-left ideas such as Critical Race Theory across Michigan’s schools.

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