Critical Race Theory

How Public Schools Are Dividing Our Kids Using Racism

How Public Schools Are Dividing Our Kids Using Racism

In this video, we examine a situation in California where an excellent teacher left the public school education system because ...
Critical Race Theory – 3

Critical Race Theory – 3

This video provides the first four of eight precepts about critical race theory. Listen to learn what critical race theory ...
Critical Race Theory – 2

Critical Race Theory – 2

This video describes what Critical Race Theory is, what some of issues are and what we can do about them ...
Critical Race Theory Background

Critical Race Theory Background

This video provides information on the background of Critical Race Theory and who developed it and why ...
CRT – Everything Is About Racism

CRT – Everything Is About Racism

Why do many people argue that critical race theory is all about racism. Find out why by watching this video ...
Critical Race Theory Is All About Racism

Critical Race Theory Is All About Racism

In this video we reveal the real truth about critical race theory, it is all about racism. Although proponents claim ...
We Don’t Teach CRT In Our Schools

We Don’t Teach CRT In Our Schools

I am sure that you have heard this answer before if you have asked teachers or administrators if they teach ...
Critical Race Theory In Our Institutions – 2

Critical Race Theory In Our Institutions – 2

This video is the second in a series of podcasts about how critical race theory is being used by the ...
Learn The CRT Terms Used In Our Schools

Learn The CRT Terms Used In Our Schools

This video discusses some of the terms being used in our school system to teach CRT. The teacher's unions say ...


 Separation Of Church and State

Why Christians Should Be Involved In Politics