President Joe Biden, who proudly identifies as a rosary-wielding “devout Catholic,” has awarded top honors to anti-Catholic gay marriage and pro-abortion campaigners in the final days of his presidency before flying to visit Pope Francis at the Vatican later this week.

Biden, considered one of Francis’s closest political allies, showered presidential medals on globalist oligarch George Soros; radical feminist and abortion advocate Eleanor Smeal; and Mary Bonauto and Evan Wolfson, who were pioneers of legalizing same-sex marriage.

Soros was among 19 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom at a ceremony on Saturday; Smeal, Bonauto, and Wolfson were awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal last Thursday.

Earlier, the nation’s second Catholic president sparked outrage among Christians and Jews when he conferred the Presidential Medal of Freedom in a private November 20 ceremony on Cecile Richards, who was the president of Planned Parenthood for more than a decade. Richards was in charge when David Daleiden uncovered the fact that Planned Parenthood facilities in various locations were selling the body parts of aborted children to researchers for profit.

Highest Honors

While the Freedom Medal is America’s highest civilian honor — given for “exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors” — the Citizens Medal is awarded to Americans “who have performed exemplary deeds of service for their country or their fellow citizens,” the White House said.

Commending the recipients of the medals as “great leaders” who “keep the faith, give everyone a fair shot, and put decency above all else,” Biden said that “the country is better because of their dedication and sacrifice.”

The president said the beneficiaries of his awards are “good people” who have “made America and the world a better place” and “have made extraordinary contributions to their country and the world.”

Sneering at God

Catholics, evangelicals and Jews issued stinging condemnations of Biden’s pro-abortion awardees.

“‘Woe to those who call good evil and evil good,'” evangelical pro-lifer Dave Brennan told The Stream, quoting the prophet Isaiah. “‘They not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them,’ evangelical pro-lifer Dave Brennan told The Stream, quoting the prophet Isaiah. Brennan is director of Brephos, the church-oriented project of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform UK.

“It takes one level of evil to tolerate the wickedness of child sacrifice, it takes another to actually reward it with prizes. Biden may get away with this before Pope Francis, but he will not get away with it before the Living God, unless he repents in earnest.”

“Cecile Richards presided over the deaths of 3.9 million unborn children killed at Planned Parenthood during her time as CEO,” pointed out Live Action Founder Lila Rose. “Why is Biden giving her a Presidential Medal of Freedom?”

“If there was ever a question about how much Joe Biden hates God and all religions (with the possible exception of Islam), that question has now been completely answered with his choice of honoring two of the most anti-religion individuals in our nation with the Presidential Medal of Freedom,” wrote Rabbi Michael Barclay.

Barclay, a bestselling Jewish author and religious freedom campaigner, elaborated:

It is one thing for Joe Biden to tacitly support the anti-religion practices of Planned Parenthood. But for him to consciously award Richards with this high honor is a direct assault on the theology that he claims to subscribe to. It is an attack on every Catholic, pro-life Christian, and authentic Jew. Bestowing this honor upon the president of Planned Parenthood is yet another example of Joe Biden thumbing his nose at God, religion, and people of faith.

Rewarding Catholicism’s Haters

Eleanor Smeal, who was raised Catholic, gained notoriety when she was arrested for leading a choreographed protest against the Catholic Church’s teaching on abortion, homosexuality, birth control, and women’s rights at the Vatican’s embassy in Washington, DC., just before Pope John Paul II’s 1987 visit to the U.S.

“Because of my sex, I am second-class forever in my church,” she said at the demonstration. “Because of my sex I could have been condemned [by the Church] to death at an early age [if I used birth control].”

Smeal, who led the first national abortion rights march in Washington, D.C. in 1986 with more than 100,000 protesters, is cofounder and president of the Feminist Majority Foundation, which features scores of anti-Catholic articles on its website.

In 2005, when President George W. Bush nominated Samuel Alito to serve as a U.S. Supreme Court justice, Smeal warned about his Catholic faith, writing that “the majority of the court would be Roman Catholics, which would underrepresent other religions, not to mention nonbelievers.”

In his book The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice, church historian Philip Jenkins wrote that Smeal suggested that mainstream denominations were downplaying “the blatant evils of the Catholic Church, for fear of appearing anti-Catholic.” Specifically, she has said: “We have to be tougher on the Catholic Church — we are letting them off the hook.”

Feminist Majority Foundation has “been among the most vocal critics of Catholicism, to the extent that the mass media have almost without question accepted the notion of ‘Catholic misogyny'” and “crossed the line into strident anti-Catholicism,” Jenkins wrote.

Godparents of Gay Marriage

Catholics also expressed indignation at Biden’s award to lesbian Mary L. Bonauto, who has served as civil rights project director at Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) for more than two decades.

Bonauto’s bio states that her “acceptance of her homosexuality caused her to abandon the Roman Catholic Church, though she says she is still guided by the Catholic values that helped form her commitment to social justice.”

In April 2001, the activist lawyer filed a suit on behalf of seven same-sex Massachusetts couples who had been denied marriage licenses. In August 2003, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court handed down an unprecedented ruling ending the exclusion of gay couples from marriage. The state legislature passed a bill legalizing it the following year.

Bonauto also was the chief campaigner for legalizing same-sex unions in Connecticut and Maine.

“Her efforts made millions of families whole and forged a more perfect union,” the White House said in the press release. “Her strategic vision over more than 40 years embodies the American pursuit to create a fairer, more just world.”

In 2020, Bonauto filed an amicus brief defending Philadelphia’s refusal to contract with Catholic Social Services because it would not place children for adoption with homosexual couples. The Supreme Court unanimously sided with the Catholic charity on religious freedom grounds.

Bonauto regarded Evan Wolfson, another recipient of the Presidential Citizens Medal, as an ally in the fight for legalizing homosexual marriage.

It was Wolfson, a homosexual lawyer and founder of Freedom to Marry, who led the campaign that won marriage for homosexuals nationwide with a U.S. Supreme Court decision in 2015. Newsweek hailed Wolfson as “the godfather of gay marriage.”

“But Wolfson didn’t midwife marriage equality on his own,” reported Newsweek. “If he performed the ultrasound and wrote the birth plan, it was Mary Bonauto who birthed it in the courtroom.”

Rewarding Megalomania

Meanwhile, Elon Musk slammed Biden for honoring the globalist oligarch, George Soros, with the coveted medal.

“A travesty that Biden is giving Soros the Medal of Freedom,” Musk wrote while retweeting a post which said: “George Soros fundamentally hates humanity.” On Sunday, Musk posted a meme comparing Soros to Star Wars villain Emperor Palpatine, quipping, “George Soros looking quite good here. Must be the lighting.”

Soros has been one of the largest funders of the fight for abortion. In 2023, abortionists won a victory in Ohio after Soros’s Open Society Policy Center poured $3.5 million into the coffers of Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights. The previous year, Soros donated $4.5 million to influence abortion policy in Michigan.

Soros, who has called the U.S. “the main obstacle to a stable and just world,” declared war on the nation’s drug laws, investing around $15 million in organizations and campaigns for drug legalization in 1994, according to Rachel Ehrenfeld’s book The Soros Agenda.

Ehrenfeld describes Soros as a “megalomaniac savvy currency manipulator” and a “skilled agitator” who “routinely masquerades as a compassionate liberal” and “sees himself as the ultimate arbitrator of climate justice, social justice, and racial justice, as well as in promoting transgenderism, population control, and free abortion.”

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“The enormous sums of money he gives personally and through his various tax-exempt foundations and other entities go only to progressive Left groups and candidates” who use his cash to subvert the U.S. Constitution, she warns.

Just before Christmas, Biden bowed to the wishes of Pope Francis and liberal U.S. Catholic bishops by commuting the death sentences of 37 federal inmates, The Stream reported. The beneficiaries of Biden’s clemency include five child murderers and several others who killed fellow inmates and corrections officers while incarcerated.

“It still is beyond disappointing and saddening that even in his last days as president, Biden chooses to attack religion in the few petty ways he has left to do so,” Barclay concluded.. “It is a stain upon his soul, and a statement about the mean and spiteful nature of the man.”


Dr. Jules Gomes (BA, BD, MTh, PhD) has a doctorate in biblical studies from the University of Cambridge. Currently a Vatican-accredited journalist based in Rome, he is the author of five books and several academic articles. Gomes lectured at Catholic and Protestant seminaries and universities and was canon theologian and artistic director at Liverpool Cathedral.

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