School Board

Why Vote In School Board Elections

School Board elections normally feature a low voter turnout but decide the direction and content taught in your local public schools. Find out why it is so important to vote in these elections.

Why Vote In School Board Elections2023-11-07T17:48:15-06:00

School Board – Strategies For Running

This ebook provides a number of strategies for running for the school board for candidates who want to know possible strategies that they could use in their campaign.

School Board – Strategies For Running2023-08-10T08:38:53-05:00

Attorney General Takes Action Against Parents

Parents are rising up against the indoctrination going on in our public schools. To discourage parents from standing up against school boards, the attorney general has initiated the FBI to investigate parents who cause issues at school board meetings.

Attorney General Takes Action Against Parents2023-08-10T07:40:08-05:00

Why Run For School Board

This video provides some reasons that people should run for school board and who should run for school board in their community.

Why Run For School Board2023-08-10T07:37:58-05:00

School Board Strategies

This video discusses some strategies candidates can use when running for a school board position.

School Board Strategies2023-08-10T07:31:21-05:00

What Are School Board Responsibilities

Learn the different roles of school board members. If you are thinking of running for the school board, this is a good little video to watch. Even if you aren't going to run, this video is a good

What Are School Board Responsibilities2023-08-08T09:04:33-05:00

What Should You Consider When Running For A School Board Position

This video outlines some of the things that should be considered if you decide to run for the school board. The School board is usually one of the first elected positions that someone runs for. Be sure to

What Should You Consider When Running For A School Board Position2023-08-07T10:32:11-05:00
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