Socialism, Communism & Marxism

Satan’s Global Deception

Today we hear about all different descriptions of what is coming. We hear climate change is going to destroy us. We also hear about the "Great Reset" and more from the World Economic Forum and our leaders. Why is

Satan’s Global Deception2023-12-29T10:57:42-06:00

Social Justice Vs Biblical Justice Part 2

In this video we discuss the difference between social justice and biblical justice. This is the second in a two part series where we talk about why society discusses wanting social justice and why Christians should be demanding

Social Justice Vs Biblical Justice Part 22023-12-29T10:54:28-06:00

Social Justice Vs Biblical Justice Part 1

  In this video we discuss the difference between social justice and biblical justice. Today everyone talks about social justice as being what we all want but the Bible talks about biblical justice. Find out why Christians should be demanding

Social Justice Vs Biblical Justice Part 12023-12-29T10:54:11-06:00

Marxism – Karl Marx

This video provides some background information on Karl Marx and the Marxist history.

Marxism – Karl Marx2023-08-10T08:19:03-05:00

What Is The Cloward Piven Strategy

In this video we discuss how the Cloward Piven strategy is used by the left to advance their progressive agenda.

What Is The Cloward Piven Strategy2023-08-10T08:07:32-05:00

Who Was Saul Alinsky?

This video provides some background information on Saul Alinsky and how he influenced so many on the left including Hillary Clinton. The video covers his eight-step Rules For Radicals which is being used to overthrow our nation.

Who Was Saul Alinsky?2023-08-10T08:05:22-05:00

Leftism As A Religion

For a long time conservatives have labeled leftism as a religion. Watch this video to listen to some of the arguments that support this supposition.

Leftism As A Religion2023-08-10T07:48:08-05:00

Four Stages of Marxism

This video outlines the four stages of Marxism, capitalism, socialism, communism and then Marxism. Find out where the United States is now and what the plans are by the progressives in the next few years.

Four Stages of Marxism2023-08-10T07:43:57-05:00

Types of Socialism

You can watch this video to find out the eight types of socialism so that you can recognize it when you see it.

Types of Socialism2023-08-08T09:07:05-05:00
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