
Is Seeding Clouds A Problem Part 1

In this video, we discuss the advantages of seeding clouds to produce rain and why proponents support this action by humans to increase rain in specific areas.

Is Seeding Clouds A Problem Part 12024-07-01T08:05:05-05:00

Is Saturday or Sunday the True Sabbath

In this video, we discuss the term sabbath and what it meant in the book of Genesis for the Jews and what the term means for Christians today. Why should Christians rest on Sunday and why is this the

Is Saturday or Sunday the True Sabbath2024-06-05T17:47:47-05:00

Which State is Paying Students To Be Social Justice Warriors?

In this video, Alex Newman discloses which state is paying their students to be social justice warriors. Can you believe that it has come to this? Progressives are now deciding to bribe students to be social justice warriors. Watch

Which State is Paying Students To Be Social Justice Warriors?2024-05-02T16:34:14-05:00

Is Your State or City Designing A New Flag?

In this video, we present a news clip from OAN which talks about several states and cities are designing new flags. The new flags are controversial because the center piece is an 8 point star. Watch this short video

Is Your State or City Designing A New Flag?2024-05-02T13:35:43-05:00

Background of the Pro-Hamas Demonstrations

In this video, Nehemiah Reset discusses the background of the pro-Hamas demonstrations. We cover what they did at Columbia University, how it was mishandled and how they eventually brought it to a conclusion. We also talk about some of

Background of the Pro-Hamas Demonstrations2024-05-01T19:24:55-05:00

Why Is The World Health Organization Draft Document A Problem?

Recently the World Health Organization Draft Document was passed by the Senate and it is now in the House, yet we have heard very little about it. Why is this a threat to our freedom and why should

Why Is The World Health Organization Draft Document A Problem?2024-04-04T08:11:25-05:00

Why We Should Be Concerned About The New Amazon Payment System

In this video, we discuss the new Amazon payment system and why we should be concerned about it. Watch this important video as it explains another step the globalist are taking to implement their control over the population.

Why We Should Be Concerned About The New Amazon Payment System2024-04-03T09:16:34-05:00

What Events Could Postpone the 2024 Election?

In this video, we talk about whether or not America is found in end times prophecy. Many scholars say that America is not found in the Bible during the end times. We explore Bible verses that seem to

What Events Could Postpone the 2024 Election?2024-03-12T16:53:29-05:00

Did We Just Lose Another Of God Granted Freedoms?

The bill, Minnesota HF 3628, can be found at In this bill, we only get to keep our assault firearms if we register. Semi-automatic rifles with several different characteristics are covered. This bill also covers some pistols,

Did We Just Lose Another Of God Granted Freedoms?2024-03-02T12:03:52-06:00

What Are The Unknown Plans Of The Biden Administration

In this video, Glen Beck exposes the plans of the Biden Administration. Learn where we are in the establishment of the control of the elites over all of us. I hope this video will open your eyes into

What Are The Unknown Plans Of The Biden Administration2024-02-22T10:47:26-06:00
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