Biblical Worldview

Progressives Are Infiltrating The Church

In this video, we discuss how progressives are infiltrating the church and what this means for true biblical based Christianity.

Progressives Are Infiltrating The Church2025-02-10T10:48:54-06:00

Should Christians Talk To The Dead

In this video, we discuss the question if Christians should talk to the dead. We explore different views about this question and what the bible says about it.

Should Christians Talk To The Dead2025-02-10T10:36:15-06:00

What Will Heaven Be Like

In this video, we answer some of the key questions about heaven. What Christians and non-believers need to do to get to heaven. To subscibe to our free newsletter which is published each Thursday with a list of

What Will Heaven Be Like2025-01-31T08:15:20-06:00

Why Pray When God Already Knows What We Need

In this video, we discuss why we should pray in spite of the fact that God already knows what we need. Asking God for favors is only one aspect of prayer. Part of the reason we pray is because

Why Pray When God Already Knows What We Need2025-01-29T15:50:38-06:00

Why Christians Should Not Judge Others?

In this video, we discuss why Christians should not judge others. We discuss some of the reasons for this and what Jesus said about this.

Why Christians Should Not Judge Others?2025-01-24T10:28:15-06:00

The Transgender Question

In this video, we discuss the Transgender question and what the bible says about transgenderism. Is it natural? Is it a sin?

The Transgender Question2025-01-21T14:48:17-06:00

What Does The Bible Say About Demons?

In this video, we discuss what the Bible says about Demons. The fear of demons is common to Christians but what does the Bible tell us about them and how do we handle them.

What Does The Bible Say About Demons?2025-01-21T14:44:14-06:00

How Do We Know Jesus Existed

In this video, we address the question many people ask, Did Jesus Really Exist? We discuss how we know that Jesus really is a real person versus a legend. We look at non-Christian support for his existence as

How Do We Know Jesus Existed2025-01-20T11:52:51-06:00

Why Doesn’t God Answer Prayers

In this video, we answer the question, "Why Doesn't God Answer Prayer"? We answer this question using a passage in Luke where Jesus tells us how to pray. Watch this video as we answer this often asked question.

Why Doesn’t God Answer Prayers2025-01-19T20:54:42-06:00

Why Is Your Worldview Important

In this video, we discuss what your worldview is and why it is important. Watch this video to find out what a worldview is and why everyone has a worldview.

Why Is Your Worldview Important2025-01-14T06:36:20-06:00

What Is The Age Of The Earth

In this video, we talk about the debate on the age of the earth that is going on within the Christian church. There are primary two major views the Old Earth view and the Young Earth view. We discuss

What Is The Age Of The Earth2025-01-14T06:35:56-06:00
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