Anyone who has ever dated (sorry liberals, ask someone normal what it’s like to have a date) knows about mixed signals – “Does she like me or doesn’t she?” It’s part of the human dance for which there is no guide or good advice because you’ll never know at all until you know it all. But that’s just dating, part of growing up. What you grow up in is a big part of that experience, and what people are growing up in right now is pretty much a toilet, in no small part, thanks to the media. It’s time to flush it.

I’m no prude, so I don’t mean to come off sounding like one, but as an avid media consumer for work, I can’t help but notice just how horrible the media is. And while you can avoid media consumption, you can’t avoid its ramifications. Let me explain.

Whenever I tweet or write something about a movie, a TV show, or anything related to popular culture, I inevitably get messages from people proudly declaring they “don’t have cable” or “haven’t been to the movies in 30 years” because all those companies are horrible, which they are. However, someone’s ignorance of pop culture does not exempt them from its implications. You’re impacted by it, whether you like it or not. If some kid pees in a big pool you’re in, you’re going to swim through some pee, no matter how far away from that kid you were when they peed. You can say you’ll just get out of the pool, but we’re all fish…

The toys you played with as a kid or your kids played with were all a part of exposing people to popular culture – you can’t escape it (unless you’re Amish, then maybe).

That’s a big part of how the social contagion of “trans” has spread in clusters across the country. It’s a part of the culture: you may not participate but cannot escape it. 

As the trans push is receding – it is, slowly but steadily – I noticed another trend: normalizing prostitution. 

Sex has always been with us; without it, none of us would be here. And pornography is nothing new – images of sex acts litter cave walls. What is new is the media’s celebration of porn and hookers, which aren’t all that different. 

The only reason I can figure as to why the left needs to elevate and normalize deviant behavior – and that’s what it is, whether you’re into it or not (go look up the word; I didn’t create it) – is to normalize it. People who’ve had abortions insist they’re perfectly ok and normal while actively encouraging others to have them, I think, because they tell themselves the more people have them, the more they are normal and hope to alleviate their guilt that way. In fairness, the same can be said for a lot of people who are vocally pro-life – many are trying to counter the guilt they feel over having participated in an abortion earlier but don’t want to admit it publicly, so it manifests itself as activism. 

But this isn’t about how guilt motivates. This is about numbing people to deviancy. 

I will list a few stories from just the past week or so from one news outlet: The Daily Mail. And yes, it is a British company, but it’s also one of the most popular news websites on the planet. 

The first is one about an OnlyFans “star” who traveled to a college town to offer pretty much any student who wanted to have sex with her, as long as she could film it. It’s 3rd party prostitution, with “John” being her subscriber. This should almost be a police report, not news. Instead, the woman was reported on and invited to discuss it on television. Why? She got what she wanted, which was publicity and more money in her pocket from it.

Then there’s another story about another OnlyFans woman who married the stepbrother who impregnated her. While not illegal or incest, is that, by any definition of the word, “news”? Had she not been on OnlyFans, would it have been a story? I doubt it. 

Then there’s this one with the headline, “The shocking truths I learned about men when, as a 41-year-old mother, I tried to open an ‘ethical’ brothel that was safe for women.” Again, on what planet is whatever this person learned “news”? 

Every week, there are stories about young girls on OnlyFans as “stars,” treating them like they’ve accomplished something. Elevating this makes them seem like they have accomplished something, and talking about how much money they make causes more young girls to think what they do is something to aspire to. The stories get clicks because they include lots of (clothed) pictures of attractive women, so the outlet benefits and the porn stars get more subscribers. 

Does anyone else benefit? 

Of course not. Everyone else loses. 

I don’t care what you do in the privacy of your own home but don’t fool yourself into thinking all of it stays there. No part of a puddle is exempt from ripples when something is thrown into it. And our media is what you’d imagine would be “tossed” into a toilet. Like I said, flush it.

Derek Hunter hosts a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and is the author of Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses. He also hosts the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast, where the news is discussed the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.

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