Two Witnesses of Revelation – Part 2 of 2
In the first video, we identified the first witness in Revelation and in this video we will identify the second witness. Watch the video to see who we think will be the second witness in Revelation.
In the first video, we identified the first witness in Revelation and in this video we will identify the second witness. Watch the video to see who we think will be the second witness in Revelation.
In this video, we identify who the first witness in Revelation is and the relationship he had with the almighty God. The first witness is an Old Testament prophet. Watch this video to see who it is.
In this video, we discuss the seven bowls of Revelation and talk about what each bowl means. This is the third of three sevens that we discuss regarding how God brings His wrath on humanity at the end
In this video, we talk about the 144,000 Jewish evangelists talked about in Revelation. We discuss who they are and what is their mission. Why does God put a seal on them and what is the seal?
This video talks about the church of Laodecia, one of the seven churches of revelation. Revelation presents the Laodecia church as a lukewarm church which Christ hates. Find out what some of the characteristics of a lukewarm church are
This video is about the church of Pergamum, one of the seven churches discussed in Revelation.
This video is about the church of Philadelphia, one of the seven churches talked about in the Book of Revelation. Find out what the bible says about this church, where it was located, what it was known for and
This video is about the church of Sardis in the Book of Revelation. It provides a little history on Sardis and what we can learn from it.
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