
ICE nabs illegal immigrant wanted for allegedly sexually assaulting minor, in Mass.

An El Salvadoran illegal immigrant wanted for allegedly sexually assaulting a child has been arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Massachusetts, after a local sheriff's office ignored a detainer to hold him.ICE said its Enforcement

ICE nabs illegal immigrant wanted for allegedly sexually assaulting minor, in Mass.2024-12-23T21:56:00-06:00

Trump’s Promised Mass Deportations Put Immigrant Churches on Edge

Trump’s Promised Mass Deportations Put Immigrant Churches on Edge - Christianity Today Skip to content Apple PodcastsDown ArrowDown ArrowDown Arrowarrow_left_altLeft ArrowLeft ArrowRight ArrowRight ArrowRight Arrowarrow_up_altUp ArrowUp ArrowAvailable at Amazoncaret-downCloseCloseEmailEmailExpandExpandExternalExternalFacebookfacebook-squareGiftGiftGooglegoogleGoogle KeephamburgerInstagraminstagram-squareLinkLinklinkedin-squareListenListenListenChristianity TodayCT Creative Studio Logologo_orgMegaphonepausePinterestPlayPlayPocketPodcastSaveSaveSaveSearchSearchsearchSpotifyStitcherTelegramTable of ContentsTable of

Trump’s Promised Mass Deportations Put Immigrant Churches on Edge2024-11-08T05:06:12-06:00
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