The estimable Lifesitenews offers this clip from the March for Life, reporting,

Ex-abortionist turned pro-life advocate Dr. Catherine Wheeler revealed how Christ saved her from the abortion industry. On January 24, Wheeler addressed tens of thousands of pro-lifers from around the world at the 52nd National March for Life in Washington, D.C., explaining how she recognized the reality of abortion during her medical residency… “[O]ne day the ‘blinders came off,’” and she grasped the reality of abortion.

“’For the first time, I actually saw the baby I was about to kill with horror,” she recalled. “And for the first time, I actually felt the evil presence in the room of what was behind abortion. Somehow I did that abortion, I don’t know how. I never did another abortion in my life.”

Check it out in this four-minute clip from EWTN.


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