Rep. Leigh Finke, DFL-St. Paul, Minnesota’s first transgender legislator, called the idea that some children are transitioning without parental consent “a mythology that has been built up by 10 years of conditioning.”
“The idea that kids are getting sneaked away and transitioned is wrong and it’s insulting to our medical professionals,” Finke said during a recent interview on the Garage Logic Podcast.
Finke was addressing concerns that students might be influenced by teachers to be confused about their gender or sexual identity.
Joe Soucheray, host of the Garage Logic Podcast, responded to Finke by saying, “I’m under the belief that there are teachers who are capable of this kind of proselytizing, but you’re assuring me that’s not happening.”
“You’re giving the teachers of our country far too much power,” Finke responded, saying that he does not believe that is occurring in schools. He went on to say that children in the U.S. are not being transitioned without parental consent.
“This is a mythology that has been built up by 10 years of conditioning from a national, organized movement against trans people,” Finke said of the idea that minors are being transitioned without parental consent.
More than 1,100 school districts across the country, including at least nine in Minnesota, have policies in place that allow students to socially transition without parental notification, according to Parents Defending Education.
“We obviously aren’t making life-changing health care decisions on children without their parental consent and years, years, of pre-work,” Finke continued, saying that very few transgender people have regrets about transitioning. “Regret is a part of life and it’s a part of all health care.”
Finke explained that he does know a detransitioner but said he does not believe that is common among trans people. “I actually think being trans is one of the greatest gifts that has ever been given to me, because my life was hard and now it is light, it is good,” Finke said.
“Look what you’ve achieved. Who’s held you back?” one of the podcast hosts asked Finke when he was discussing his fears surrounding another Trump presidency and the difficulties he expects trans people to face. “I think that what you are trying to say is that I am evidence that trans people don’t face obstacles … I have been very lucky and very privileged,” Finke said.
The hosts also asked Finke if he believes that a 3-year-old would have the ability to “know” if they are trans. “I mean I’m not in a position to answer that question. That’s a question for families and their doctors,” Finke said. “I mean people aren’t transitioning at 3 in a meaningful sense.”
Finke also alleged that individuals have been banned from the Minnesota State Capitol for coming there to attack him. “People get banned from the capitol because they come into the capitol to do harm to me,” Finke said. “Like it’s hard to be in the position I’m in.”
During the interview they also touched on the controversial topic of biological males competing on women’s sports teams. “I think it’s really up to the sport. I think trans inclusion is not nearly the threat that we consider it to be,” Finke said.
Finke was a key player in passing the “trans refuge” bill last year, and was recently criticized by tennis legend Martina Navratilova for his comments regarding males playing in women’s sports.
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