Last Friday, the British House of Commons passed a bill legalizing state-assisted suicide on a 330-275 vote. Since then, The Stream has learned that the legislation was supported by funding from influential lobbies pushing for global depopulation.
The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill aims to give mentally competent, terminally ill adults with less than six months to live the right to die with medical assistance in England and Wales. The bill now advances to the House of Lords for further consideration.
“This legislation makes one thing crystal clear. Britain is no longer a Christian country,” declared Philip Egan, the Catholic bishop of Portsmouth. “To be a Christian in future will not be easy, if ever it was.”
In a pastoral letter, Egan warned:
More and more, as in ages past, we will stand out from the crowd and from others in our society who see human life, its dignity and value, in a radically different way.
David Brennan, executive director of the pro-life organization Brephos, said, “Although Christian opposition to this bill was fairly vocal and unanimous in contrast to our silence and even cooperation with the Abortion Act of 1967, I fear that in the grand scheme of the onward march of the culture of death this was too little too late.”
Dignity in Dying?
While critics have blamed the bill on Britain’s “most godless parliament in history” with the highest proportion of lawmakers (40%) opting not to take a religious oath when being sworn in to the House of Commons, few have noted the influence of nondemocratic vested interests.
A key nongovernmental organization that backed the bill is Dignity in Dying, a pro-euthanasia lobbying group that rose to prominence when its chairperson, Baroness Meacher — a member of Britain’s House of Lords — introduced a failed bill to permit assisted suicide in May 2021.
Dignity in Dying’s latest statement of audited accounts reveal that the group received a whopping GBP1,767,643 in 2022 and GBP2,699,476 in 2023 from subscriptions, donations, legacies, and unnamed “High Value Donors.”.
The nonprofit organization spent GBP757,632 in 2022 and GBP673,796 in 2023 on media campaigns promoting assisted suicide. Its sister organization, Compassion in Dying, received GBP610,000 in 2023 and GBP745,000 in 2022.
“In the past 90 days alone, they’ve splashed out an eye-watering GBP181,122 on Facebook and Instagram ads, while since 2018, the total spend has topped GBP650,000,” noted Guido Fawkes, a British blog known for its investigative reporting.
The two sister organizations are “practically joined at the hip, sharing office space, staff, and various resources,” the blogger added.
Charlotte Gill, a journalist who has authored the “Woke Waste” series about how British taxpayers are funding ideological capture across public institutions, thought that telling. “Is that not rather important information?” she asked in a Substack article. “Might MPs want to raise this in Parliament, before moving onto the merits of the debate? Who is calling the shots here?”
“Amid all the ‘debates’ about assisted dying, very little has been said about the ‘unelected forces’ pushing the bill.”
“Dark Money” Behind Pro-Death Legislation
Ethicist and philosopher Dr. Calum Miller has also raised concerns about “shadowy dark money behind the assisted suicide/euthanasia bill connected to American global population reduction organisations.”
Miller, a 2015 University of Oxford Medical School graduate who currently works as a in Britain’s National Health Service and has published more than 30 academic papers in medicine, law, philosophy, and ethics, wrote on X that “This is one of the most sinister things I’ve ever discovered.”
He identified the lobbying group More in Common as one of the key funders and publicists behind the legislation.
“This whole campaign is obviously extremely well-funded,” he said. “They have way more publicity than the anti-euthanasia side, e.g. seemingly hiring out half the billboards on London Underground — especially at Westminster where the tunnels are full of them!”
Miller also pointed out bill sponsor Kim Leadbeater’s conflict of interest. She has “played a significant role in uniting similar groups across the UK as the More in Common Network, primarily through the Great Get Together, an annual event.” She also serves as the chairperson of More in Common, UK, a fact she has not recorded on the Register of MPs interests.
Depopulation Lobby Pushes for Euthanasia
A significant factor is the hand of the depopulation lobby behind More in Common, including the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (WFHF), which reveals in a brochure how it began its “program of philanthropy, population issues” by issuing two grants in 1967 to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the Planned Parenthood Association of San Francisco.
“Since that time, the Population Program at The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has awarded more than $470 million worldwide,” the brochure states. Its “two complementary goals” are abortion and “to stabilize global populations at levels that promote social and economic well-being and sustain the environment.”
Using alarmist rhetoric, WFHF states: “Despite the success in reducing unwanted fertility, the work that lies ahead may be even more daunting than that faced in the past.” Moreover, since the 1994 Cairo conference,
declining global fertility rates have reduced the sense of urgency about population growth” and “the potential for considerable population increase remains high.
Although family planning programs have succeeded globally in meeting many contraceptive needs and reducing population growth rates, progress has been highly uneven between and within regions and countries. Many areas of urgent need remain.
The Marriage of Climate Alarmism and Depopulation Agendas
More in Common also counts the European Climate Foundation (ECF) as a major donor, as depopulation plays a significant role in climate activism. The ECF is also funded by the WFHF and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which lists depopulation as one of its main targets through the Population Council.
Other bodies funding More in Common include the John Ellerman Foundation, Unbound Philanthropy, Barrow Cadbury Trust, and Luminate.
Unbound Philanthropy, a leftwing foundation of American origin, promotes migration and the “voices of immigrants” including “those who are undocumented, Black, Asian, female, LGBTQ+, and youth.” The group also raises awareness of “climate mobility” and “climate migration.”
The leadership of More in Common has links with the climate change and depopulation elitist World Economic Forum, with the chairperson of its global board, Gemma Mortensen, cochairing the World Economic Forum’s Global Council on systems leadership.
Mabel van Oranje, a member of the board, was named one of the WEF’s Global Leaders for Tomorrow (2003) and one of its Young Global Leaders (2005).
The assisted suicide bill faces further debate and scrutiny by lawmakers and members of the House of Lords, which will most likely take it up in early 2025. They could choose to amend it, with the approval of both Houses of Parliament needed for it to become law.
“Not that God in his mercy can’t still turn the tide, but having welcomed the Abortion Act and even to this day remaining hazy on the so-called ‘hard cases’ of abortion, which relate closely to their counterparts in ‘assisted suicide’ (see here and here), we have been welcoming in this culture of death and effectively undermining whatever arguments we may have eventually voiced against it,” Brennan told The Stream.
“It is time for Christians to join the dots and realize it is meaningless to claim to be pro-life whilst accepting ideologies and electing politicians that work directly against the interests of life.”
Dr. Jules Gomes, (BA, BD, MTh, PhD), has a doctorate in biblical studies from the University of Cambridge. Currently a Vatican-accredited journalist based in Rome, he is the author of five books and several academic articles. Gomes lectured at Catholic and Protestant seminaries and universities and was canon theologian and artistic director at Liverpool Cathedral.
The post Big Money from Depopulation Lobby Boosts UK Assisted Dying Bill appeared first on The Stream.
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